Susan Zheng

About Me & My Mission

Hi 👋 I'm Susan Zheng.

I am the Founder and Director of Improv Life Lessons.

For most of my marketing career, I have been in the coaching, training and personal development industries.

I noticed something interesting that happens when people attend training seminars and conferences.

They’re inspired and committed and promise themselves that once they leave the conference they will start living their best lives and become the best version of themselves.

But that only happens to a small percentage of people. For most, once they return to their default environment, they also return to their default selves.

I realised that people often have the best intentions, but unless intentions translate into action, we stay stagnant.

That’s where Improv changes everything!

I think of Improv like a form of CBT (cognitive behavioural therapy). You learn to course-correct whilst you are doing the activity. You’re learning about your beliefs, how you show up, and you see yourself as the observer. You're learning to be comfortable whilst you’re uncomfortable. That’s the magic!

I founded this company because these are the tools I wish I had known about earlier, especially in moments when I needed the courage to trust my gut and speak my truth.

What inspires me is witnessing the incredible transformations that occur through improv.

In such a short time, I've seen students embrace their hidden talents and realise they are capable of so much more than they ever imagined!

My Mission

I am on a mission to help individuals realise the transformative power of Improv.

At a time when AI is challenging our core identity, restoring our innate human spirit is more important than ever.

Improv is our innate superpower. It helps us realise that everything we ever desired, was here the whole time.

My Vision:

By 2030, I dream of a world where the heart of every community is echoed in the laughter of Improv gatherings; at parks, community centres, and the cozy living rooms of our neighbours.

May we live in a world aligned with a passion for challenging our minds and harnessing our social bonds.